The Swamp Ghost

When the bomber force landed, all the machine guns, and ammunition was abandoned at the aircraft.  In the years after the war, all of the machine guns have been removed from B-17E 41-2446.  This page tracks the locations of these guns.  To date, three of her former machine guns have been identified. Do you know the fate of more of its guns?  Email Us

Radio 50 Caliber Gun
B-17E's did not have a machine gun installed at the radio position, but 41-2446 did as a field modification. It was removed in the early 1970's, from a stowed position in the radio compartment by Australian survey team, and donated to PNG Museum

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Bendix Turret
In the lower Bendix turret remained at the wreck, submerged under swamp water. When the wreck was salvaged in late April / early May 2006, these two weapons were recovered and removed. Shipped to Lae, they were seized by PNG Police. Their future fate is unknown.

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50 Caliber Shell Casings
In the early 1970's belted live ammunition was present on the left wing, either removed from the wreck, or placed there.  All of this live ammunition is gone as of today.  Photo by  Jack Mierzejewski, December 1976.

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Patrol Officer Removes Two Guns
Notes about the removal and current location of
two of 41-2446's machine guns, in the early 1970's.


          B-17E 41-2446 art by Jack Fellows via IHRP

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