The Swamp Ghost

Relatives of 'Swamp Ghost' Crew

"I don’t think I told you how VERY IMPRESSED we all were with your DVD on the Swamp Ghost. You did a remarkable job to tell the story and to make it interesting. It made me envision a little of what my dad went through, and made me feel like I was there. To see copies of his diaries and hear them read was fun, too. But… what REALLY BLEW ME AWAY was the video you had of him, incorporated into the extra information. I was not prepared to see him and hear him and it was WONDERFUL and brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the wonderful job!"
Christie Leininger  daughter of Frederick Eaton

"Well-researched and displayed priceless to my family!"
Diane Soffietti  daughter of William Schwartz

"You should be commended for all the work in researching and making this DVD.
It is outstanding."
Jim Crawford  nephew of Russell Crawford








          B-17E 41-2446 art by Jack Fellows via IHRP

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