Registry of visitors to B-17E 41-2446.
This list does not include local villagers who have
walked to the bomber regularly. The list ends in May 2006, with its removal from the swamp. Have you visited this wreck? Add
Your Visit to the List, and provide the date, photo, and observations
from your visit.
Late April / early May 2006
Salvage of the Swamp Ghost
Salvagers including Alfred
Hagen and Robert
Greinert, plus their team of aircraft engineers and documentary video crew recover the wreck. They remove the wings, engines and tail stabilizers, and find the two Bendix Turret Machine Guns in place. The pieces of the wreck are lifted with an MI-8 helicopter to the coast and then barged to Lae.
Salvage team: Alfred Hagen, Robert Greinert, Joe Krzeminski
Sponsors: Alfred Hagen, Billy Hansfield, Paul Adams, Robert Reinhartz
September 6, 2005
Swamp Ghost Tour Group
Tourists Justin Taylan, Dale McCarthy, Craig
Shepperd, Phil Clark, John Roberts, Steve Shenfield,
Robert McCourt and Peter Levick walk to the bomber. First group of tourists
to ever walk to the B-17, with the cooperation of local villagers.
December 1, 2003
Documenting The Swamp Ghost
Justin Taylan, Michael
Claringbould, John Douglas, Jimmy
Douglas, Manu Stack (pilot) Duration 5 hours. Group of historians and
videographer visits the site to record the bomber with modern video and
photograph equipment to share with the world. The results of this visit
are part of the Swamp
Ghost DVD
November 21, 2003
by Hagen Recovery Survey Team & PNG
Senea Gray (PNG Museum), Robert
Greinert & Rosemary Szabo (HARS),
Jason Cockayne (Qantas), Alfred
Hagen, Manu Williams (pilot). Visit for Robert Greinert to create
a recommendation to the PNG Museum board of directors about the condition
of the wreck site, and if the wreck should be salvaged by Alfred Hagen.
Duration: 4 hours
April 2003
Alfred Hagen Duration: 3 hours (unconfirmed)
Alfred Hagen Duration: 3 hours (unconfirmed)
Odyssey to the Swamp Ghost Alfred Hagen, Ken
Via Helicopter Duration: 3 hours & 2 hours
June 1998
Alfred Hagen Duration 8 hours (unconfirmed)
November 1997
Alfred Hagen Duration 5 hours (unconfirmed)
November 1996
Alfred Hagen Duration 2 hours
Fomer Japanese soldier and expatriate living in Popondetta to locate
Japanese war dead, walked to the bomber to investigate it a possible Japanese
plane. Finding it to be American, he left.
National Geographic Magazine
Aerial photo of the bomber is pictured in their article
on General MacArthur.
August 20 1987
by PNG Museum Officials & Travis Museum
Gonzales, Marlin
White, Jr. (Travis Air Force Museum), Bruce
Hoy (PNG Museum modern history curator).
April 18, 1986
Inspection by TIGHAR for USAF Museum
Rick Gillespie & Patricia Thrasher (TIGHAR), Bruce
Hoy (PNG Museum) and Gareth Bean (Pilot) Expedition
objective to evaluate for recovery for the USAF
March 15, 1986
by PNG Museum & Ken Fields
Kenneth Fields, Soroi Eoe (PNG Museum, director), Bruce
Hoy (PNG Museum modern history curator). Via helicopter duration
4 hours on site (6:44am to 10:44am). Fields later writes article "New
Guinea Fort" for Warbirds International magazine, 1987 about his
December 19, 1985
Inspection by PNG Museum & USAF Museum
Bruce Hoy (PNG
Museum modern history curator), USAF Major Peter Kaminski, SMS Theodore
Liston (Travis Air Force Base) via helicopter, duration: 1 1/2 hours
on site. (duration of visit 9.15am to 10.35am)
December 1985
RAAF Detachment
Leigh Alver, Australian Army visits the wreck during exercises
in New Guinea. Initially unable to find the plane, they follow
the flight path from Rabaul and are able to locate the wreck that way.
September 28, 1980
RAAF Huey UH-1 Crew visits Swamp Ghost
Bill Thomson and others aboard RAAF UH-1 helicopter. Bill contributes
his detailed recollections and photos taken during the visit.
December 1976
Jack Mierzejewski, Paddy
Ryan, Peter Hooper via Bell JetRanger 206 helicopter. Jack contributes his detailed
recollections and photos taken during the visit.
22, 1974
First Published Photographs of B-17 Taken
Charles Darby via Bell helicopter.
Photographs published in Pacific
Aircraft Wrecks
Patrol Officer (Kiap) Walks to the Bomber & Removes Two Guns
Two machine guns and ammunition removed
Australian Military Re-Discovery of the Wreck
During Australian Army training excercises, the bomber was
rediscovered from the air and the crew landed to investigate.
August 1972
Frank Vanatta Visit
I over flew the aircraft a few times in April, and actually landed a helicopter on it in August when I spent a bit of time crawling around the inside of the airframe. As the aircraft was so very visible by anyone flying over that part of the country, I was sure people knew of its existence.
April 1971
Ken McGowan Visit
Visit to the B-17, removed the left pilot instrument panel, equipment. and dataplates. Later, made a second visit by helicopter and removed the twin .50 caliber machine guns from the tail. Ken McGowan passed away in 2012 and the artifacts were inherited by his relative who sold them to Rod Mountford.
Trek to the 'Swamp Ghost' by Frank Gray
After seeing it on a day fight, on his third attempt, trekked to the B-17 removed items including compass and instruments. It was obvious that no other person had been to this aircraft before us.